Daigo (Zen)

Daigo, or daigo tettei, is a Japanese term used within Zen Buddhism which usually denotes a "[g]reat realization or enlightenment."[1] Moreover, "[t]raditionally, daigo is final, absolute enlightenment, contrasted to experiences of glimpsing enlightenment, shōgo"[1] or kensho. According to Dōgen in a fascicle of the Shobogenzo titled Daigo,[2] the master Dōgen writes that when practitioners of Zen attain daigo they have risen above the discrimination between delusion and enlightenment.[3] Author J.P. Williams writes, "In contrast, in SG Daigo, the apparently positive 'great enlightenment' is more clearly an extension of the meaning of fugo, no-enlightenment, than 'enlightenment.'[4]

See also


  1. ^ a b Dogen's Pure Standards for the Zen Community, 209
  2. ^ Shaner, 132
  3. ^ The Wholehearted Way, 82
  4. ^ Williams, 171
